For over a year, APV Communications has been designing and programming a new e-commerce portal dedicated to green, sustainable, eco-friendly goods sold by independent, small cottage industries. This site is called Green Lion Marketplace.
As consumers seek better, healthier choices for everyday products, there has emerged a need for alternatives to big agro or petro conglomerates feeding us every manner of engineered products.
Products are are engineered for profit, not safety or efficacy. These include food products, household products, pet products and products for our gardens.
The fact is that we are poisoning the planet, destroying the atmosphere and poisoning ourselves in the process.
People are seeking smarter, sustainable alternatives to commercial products and that is why Green Lion Marketplace was born.
Green alternatives to everyday products are available. Small cottage industries are springing up all over, creating American jobs, making superior products.
APV Communications designed the portal, created the Brand, and is marketing this web portal. Soft launch was August 1st, full marketing campaign begins October 1, 2015.
Have a look around Green Lion Marketplace and tell your friends!