Original art concepts for A Latin Jazz album
Ad Design for Housemade Pasta
APV Communications2017-02-03T18:12:29-05:00Landmark Restaurant, Park and Orchard makes pasta, fresh pasta everyday. This ad show pasta a la chitarra which is hand rolled and cut using guitar strings. Photograph, art direction and typography

Salvatore Minardi – Minardi Hair Care Products Ad Design
APV Communications2022-04-28T17:07:40-04:00Ad Design for Minardi Hair Care products, Graphic Design, photography, and retouching are all combined into this stunning and moody image.Salvatore Minardi, is an internationally known hair designer, entrepreneur and educator.
Certified Agency Print Ad Design
admin2015-04-21T20:38:18-04:00Commerical Collection Agency Association Certifed print ad.
Meadowlands Golf Outing Brochure Design
admin2015-04-21T20:31:55-04:00This brochure was designed to guide you through the many details and daily events for the Meadowlands Regional Chamber of Commerce 31st Annual Golf and Spa Classic. Two Color Brochure Design.
Sports Hall of Fame Invitations
admin2015-04-21T20:21:51-04:00Sports Hall of Fame of New Jersey Brochure design, mailing invitation and RSVP form. Gold foil printing.
Preserver Magazine Ad Designs
admin2018-02-05T19:28:13-05:00Magazine Ad campaign for Preserver Group. Keeping with the Preserver mark we designed 5 magazine ads that fall in the same family of design. Brand awareness was a focus for the client to be targeted in each of their magazine design ads.
Felician College Print Design
admin2015-04-21T19:47:33-04:00The objective of the Felician College Newsletters was to showcase the achievements and activities of the College and to enhance our ongoing dialogue with alumni, friends and current students. As well as newsletters APV Communications also designed all the Student, Adult and Graduate applications for the College.